When only Poetry will do. Antonia Alexandra Klimenko

There are many poets in the world. Some of them never get a word on paper, some write poems that never see the sunlight or the printed page. But we are truly fortunate that Antonia Alexandra Klimenko fits into a different category, a poet whose talent sculpting the English language is reaching people in many ways. It is difficult to imagine a world where poetry reaches beyond a small circle of devotees, so to see Antonia’s work being published in prestigious journals and anthologies is a great pleasure for those of us who know her and her exquisite talent.

On the third anniversary of that infamous day when Notre Dame burned, Antonia Alexandra Klimenko, a long time resident of the city of Paris, shared the following poem.


Our Lady

Flames lick her walls... her wood beamed ceilings

Gargoyles’ tongue the smoke-filled air

Her ancient timbers once echoed in forests

Now turn to ash... but she’s still there

Centuries have not obscured her face

Nor revolutions her holy brow

She’s looked at the world through rose-colored glass

Saints pass through her even now

How many have entered her sacred space

Like the mirrored moon from behind her veil

Bright flickering stars crown her thorny head

They have raised the roof but to no avail

As April springs into fragrant flower

Memory stands transfixed transformed

We are all hunchbacks in the Bell tower

We were all meant to be reborn

Surreal Architect of Untold Meaning

Unfolding petals on the River Seine

How she inspires our words on fire

The passion of grace that burst of flame

Living Canvas City of Light

Your candles lit from within our souls

The intimate silence of unspoken prayer

It is for thee For whom the bell tolls

I hear them now at my tear-stained window

Glimpses of iconic vision

Hymns in the night

Angels of Light

Our heart is melting

The world is turning

Paris is burning


Antonia shared the poem in response to this dramatic photograph and commentary posted on Facebook by Secrets d’Histoire. She agreed to allow Ferrandina Press to repost it here.

Antonia Alexandra Klimenko was first introduced on the BBC and to the literary world by the legendary James Meary Tambimuttu of Poetry London — publisher of T.S. Eliot, Dylan Thomas, Henry Miller and Bob Dylan, to name a few. After his death, it was his friend, the late great Kathleen Raine, who took an interest in her writing and encouraged her to publish. A nominee for the Pushcart Prize and a former San Francisco Poetry Slam Champion, she is widely published. Her work has appeared in (among others) XXI Century World Literature (in which she represents France) and Maintenant : Journal of Contemporary Dada Writing and Art archived at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C. and New York’s Museum of Modern Art. She is the recipient of two grants: one from Poets in Need, of which Michael (100 Thousand Poets for Change) Rothenberg is a co-founder; the second — the 2018 Generosity Award bestowed on her by Kathleen Spivack and Joseph Murray for her outstanding service to international writers through SpokenWord Paris where she is Writer/Poet in Residence. Her collected poems On the Way to Invisible is forthcoming in 2022.

Photo of Antonia Alexandra Klimenko

Antonia Alexandra Klimenko

Ferrandina Press

Ferrandina Press is an independent publisher of books, stationery and other related articles.


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